* * This version works with Dovecot's Managesieve Service! Fixed by Steffen Neubauer * * See the inclosed NOTICE file for conditions of use and distribution. */ // Managesieve response states define ("F_NO", 0); define ("F_OK", 1); define ("F_BYE", 2); define ("F_UNKNOWN", 3); define ("F_DATA", 4); define ("F_EOF", 5); // Managesieve response codes define ("RC_QUOTA", 10); define ("RC_SASL", 20); define ("RC_REFERRAL", 30); define ("RC_UNKNOWN", 255); // Managesieve states define ("S_NOCONNECTION", 1); define ("S_CONNECTED", 2); define ("S_AUTHENTICATED", 3); // Version info define ("MS_VERSION", '$Revision: 1.17 $'); /** * Class Managesieve is an implementation of the managesieve protocol * for uploading and managing Sieve scripts. * * References: * draft-martin-managesieve-04.txt * * @author Stephen Grier * @version $Revision: 1.17 $ */ class Managesieve { /** * The managesieve server to connect to. * @var string * @access public */ var $server = ''; /** * The port of the managesieve server. * @var string * @access public */ var $port = '2000'; /** * The user to authenticate as. * @var string * @access public */ var $auth = ''; /** * The authentication user's password. * @var string * @access public */ var $passwd = ''; /** * The user to authorize as. * @var string * @access public */ var $authz; /** * SASL auth mechanism to use. * @var string * @access public */ var $sasl_mech; /** * The capabilities of the server as advertised in response to the * CAPABILITY command. * @var array * @access private */ var $_capabilities = array(); /** * The file pointer to the open socket. * @var resource * @access private */ var $_socket; /** * Timeout state of last socket read. * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_sock_timed_out = false; /** * Connection state. One of the S_* contants. * @var integer * @access private */ var $_state; /** * Whether TLS is enabled on connection. * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_tls = false; /** * An array containing values from the last server response. * @var array * @public */ var $resp; /** * Error message. * @var string * @access private */ var $_errstr = ''; /** * Class constructor. */ function Managesieve() { $this->_errstr = ''; $this->_state = S_NOCONNECTION; } // class methods /** * Open a connection to the server and parse server capabilities. * * @param server string Server to connect to. * @param port string The server port. * @param socket_timeout int The socket timeout in seconds. * @return true on success, false on failure. */ function open($server, $port, $socket_timeout=2) { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (is_resource($this->_socket)){ $this->_errstr = 'open: socket already open'; return false; } if (isset($server)){ $this->server = $server; } if (isset($port)){ $this->port = $port; } $this->_socket = fsockopen($this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, "60"); if (!$this->_socket) { $this->_errstr = "open: fsockopen failed with $errno: $errstr"; return false; } $this->_state = S_CONNECTED; socket_set_timeout($this->_socket, $socket_timeout); socket_set_blocking($this->_socket, true); return $this->parseCapability(); } /** * Parse the server's capability response. This might result from an * initial connection to the server, or from the capability command. * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ function parseCapability() { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)){ $this->_errstr = 'parseCapability: no server connection'; return false; } // Cyrus v2.x response will look like: "IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved..." // Cyrus v1.x will look like: "Cyrus timsieved v1.0.0" "SASL={PLAIN,...}" while ($this->getResponse() == F_DATA) { $tokens = explode("\"", $this->resp['data']); if (substr($tokens[1], 0, 15) == 'Cyrus timsieved') { // Cyrus v1.x $this->_capabilities['implementation'] = $tokens[1]; // $tokens[3] should look like "SASL={PLAIN, LOGIN}" $mechstr = substr(strstr($tokens[3], '{'), 1, strlen($tokens[3])-1); $this->_capabilities['sasl'] = explode(", ", $mechstr); return true; } switch ($tokens[1]) { case "IMPLEMENTATION": // "IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.2.3" $this->_capabilities['implementation'] = $tokens[3]; break; case "SASL": // "SASL" "PLAIN DIGEST-MD5" $this->_capabilities['sasl'] = explode(" ", $tokens[3]); break; case "SIEVE": // "SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation" $this->_capabilities['extensions'] = explode(" ", $tokens[3]); break; case "STARTTLS": $this->_capabilities['starttls'] = true; break; default: $this->_capabilities['unknown_banners'][] = $line; break; } } if ($this->resp['state'] == F_OK) { return true; } $this->_errstr = 'parseCapability: capability failed: ' . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Read a line from socket. We continue reading until we reach a CRLF * or until fread() times out. The socket should be in blocking mode * with timeout as set in $this->open(). We include the CRLF. * * @return string line read from socket. */ function read() { $buffer = ''; $this->_sock_timed_out = false; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)){ return $buffer; } /* read one character at a time and add to $buffer. */ $char = fread($this->_socket,1); while ($char != '') { $buffer .= $char; /* return $buffer if we've reached CRLF. */ if (substr($buffer, -2) == "\r\n"){ #print ">>> $buffer"; return $buffer; } $char = fread($this->_socket,1); } $this->_sock_timed_out = true; return $buffer; } /** * Write a line to socket. */ function writeln($line) { #print "<<< $line\n"; fputs($this->_socket,"$line\r\n"); } /** * Write data to socket. */ function write($data) { #print "<<< $line\n"; fputs($this->_socket,$data); } /** * Get and parse a server response line. The value returned will be one of * the RC_* values, reflect a server response of NO, OK, BYE, unspecified * response data, or a socket timeout. Any response code, error or data * will be set in $this->resp[]; * * return int one of the F_* codes */ function getResponse() { unset($this->resp); $this->resp = array(); $this->_errstr = ''; $line = $this->read(); // Check for socket timeout if ($this->_sock_timed_out === true){ $this->resp['data'] = $line; return $this->resp['state'] = F_EOF; } // match NO elseif (substr($line, 0, 2) == 'NO') { // match NO {34}\r\n...\r\n... // {34} is lenth of error message string, including CRLFs. if (preg_match("/^NO \{(\d+)\}\r\n$/", $line, $m)){ $len_read = 0; while ($len_read < $m[1]) { $line = $this->read(); if ($this->_sock_timed_out === true) { return $this->resp['state'] = F_EOF; } $this->resp['errstr'][] = substr($line, 0, -2); $len_read += strlen($line); } // read the CRLF which terminates the multiline error string. $this->read(); } // match NO "error msg" elseif (preg_match("/^NO \"(.+)\"\r\n$/", $line, $m)){ $this->resp['errstr'][] = $m[1]; } // match NO ("QUOTA") "xxxx" // match NO ("SASL" "authentication failure") "Authentication error" elseif (preg_match("/^NO \(\"(.+?)\"( \".+?\")?\) \"(.+)\"\r\n$/",$line,$m)){ switch ($m[1]) { case "QUOTA": $this->resp['code'] = RC_QUOTA; break; case "SASL": $this->resp['code'] = RC_SASL; break; default: $this->resp['code'] = RC_UNKNOWN; $this->resp['data'] = $line; break; } if ($m[2] !== '') { $this->resp['code_args'] = substr($m[2], 2, -1); } $this->resp['errstr'][] = $m[3]; } else { $this->resp['code'] = RC_UNKNOWN; $this->resp['data'] = $line; } return $this->resp['state'] = F_NO; } // match OK elseif (substr($line, 0, 2) == 'OK' || substr($line, 0, 2) == 'Ok') { // match OK\r\n if ($line == "OK\r\n") { } // match OK "Logout Complete" // Cyrus v2.0 returns Ok "Logout Complete" elseif (preg_match("/^O[Kk] \"(.+)\"\r\n$/", $line, $m)) { $this->resp['errstr'][] = $m[1]; } // match OK (SASL "cnNwYX1ZG...NzmY3MDN==") elseif (preg_match("/^OK \((\w+?) \"(.+)\"\)\r\n$/",$line,$m)) { switch ($m[1]) { case "SASL": $this->resp['code'] = RC_SASL; break; default: $this->resp['code'] = RC_UNKNOWN; $this->resp['data'] = $line; break; } $this->resp['code_args'] = $m[2]; } else { $this->resp['code'] = RC_UNKNOWN; $this->resp['data'] = $line; } return $this->resp['state'] = F_OK; } // match BYE elseif (substr($line, 0, 3) == 'BYE') { // match BYE (REFERRAL "server") "Try Remote." if (preg_match("/^BYE \((.+) \"(.+)\"\) \"(.+)\"\r\n$/",$line, $m)){ switch ($m[1]){ case "REFERRAL": $this->resp['code'] = RC_REFERRAL; break; default: $this->resp['code'] = RC_UNKNOWN; $this->resp['data'] = $line; break; } $this->resp['code_args'] = $m[2]; $this->resp['errstr'][] = $m[3]; } else { $this->resp['code'] = RC_UNKNOWN; $this->resp['data'] = $line; } return $this->resp['state'] = F_BYE; } // match {123}\r\n.........\r\n elseif (preg_match("/^\{(\d+)\+?\}\r\n$/", $line, $m)){ $str = ''; while (strlen($str) <= $m[1]) { $str .= $this->read(); if ($this->_sock_timed_out === true) { $this->resp['data'] = $str; return $this->resp['state'] = F_EOF; } } $this->resp['data'] = substr($str, 0, $m[1]); return $this->resp['state'] = F_DATA; } // match listscripts and capability response "......" // Not told how much data to read, so return each line as F_DATA. elseif (preg_match("/^\".+\"( ACTIVE| \".+\")?\r\n$/", $line)) { $this->resp['data'] = substr($line, 0, -2); return $this->resp['state'] = F_DATA; } // else an unrecognised response. $this->resp['data'] = $line; return $this->resp['state'] = F_UNKNOWN; } /** * Return a textual version of the $resp structure returned by getResponse(). * * @return string message */ function responseToString() { $msg = ''; if (empty($this->resp)){ return $msg; } $resp = $this->resp; if ($resp['state'] == F_OK){ $msg .= '[' . F_OK . '] '; if (isset($resp['code'])){ if ($resp['code'] == RC_SASL){ $msg .= 'received final SASL response'; }else{ $msg .= 'unknown response code: ' . $resp['data']; } } if (isset($resp['errstr'])){ foreach ($resp['errstr'] as $errstr) { $msg .= $errstr; } } } if ($resp['state'] == F_NO){ $msg .= '[' . F_NO . '] '; if (isset($resp['code'])){ if ($resp['code'] == RC_QUOTA){ $msg .= 'over quota: ' . $resp['errstr'][0]; } elseif ($resp['code'] == RC_SASL) { $msg .= 'SASL error: ' . $resp['code_args'] . ': ' . $resp['errstr'][0]; }else{ $msg .= 'unknown response code: ' . $resp['data']; } } elseif (isset($resp['errstr'])){ foreach ($resp['errstr'] as $errstr) { $msg .= "$errstr "; } } } if ($resp['state'] == F_BYE){ $msg .= 'BYE received: '; if (isset($resp['code'])){ if ($resp['code'] == RC_REFERRAL){ $msg .= "referred to '" . $resp['code_args'] . "': " . $resp['errstr'][0]; }else{ $msg .= 'unknown response code: ' . $resp['data']; } } } if ($resp['state'] == F_EOF){ $msg .= 'socket timed out while reading server response'; if ($resp['data'] != '') { $msg .= ': ' . $resp['data']; } elseif (!empty($resp['errstr'])) { $msg .= ': '; foreach ($resp['errstr'] as $errstr) { $msg .= "$errstr "; } } } if ($resp['state'] == F_DATA){ $msg .= 'data received'; } if ($resp['state'] == F_UNKNOWN){ $msg .= 'unknown response: ' . $resp['data']; } return $msg; } /** * Select which SASL mechanism to use for authentication. * The server advertises which mechanisms it will allow. If * none of the mechanisms SmartSieve supports are available, * this will return false, and authentication will fail. * * @param mech string containing user specified SASL mechanism * @return mixed string containing mechanism to use or boolean false */ function _selectSaslMech($mech=null) { // List of SASL mechanisms this class supports. $supported_mechs = array('digest-md5','plain'); if (!empty($mech)){ if (!in_array(strtolower($mech), $supported_mechs)) { $this->_errstr = "_selectsaslmech: mechanism \"$mech\" not supported"; return false; } $use_mechs = array($mech); } else { $use_mechs = $supported_mechs; } // Return first supported mech available on server. foreach ($use_mechs as $use_mech) { if (in_array(strtoupper($use_mech), $this->_capabilities['sasl'])) { return $use_mech; } } $this->_errstr = "_selectsaslmech: no available mechanisms"; return false; } /** * Authenticate user against the server. * * @param auth string authentication user * @param passwd string authentication password * @param authz string authorization user * @param sasl_mech string SASL auth method * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function authenticate($auth, $passwd, $authz=null, $sasl_mech=null) { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)){ $this->_errstr = 'authenticate: no server connection'; return false; } if (empty($auth)){ $this->_errstr = 'authenticate: no authentication user specified'; return false; } $this->auth = $auth; if (empty($passwd)){ $this->_errstr = 'authenticate: no password specified'; return false; } if (isset($authz)){ $this->authz = $authz; } if (isset($sasl_mech)){ $this->sasl_mech = $sasl_mech; } if (!$sasl_mech = $this->_selectSaslMech($this->sasl_mech)){ return false; } switch ($sasl_mech){ case "plain": $authstr = $this->authz . "\x00" . $this->auth . "\x00" . $passwd; $authstr = base64_encode($authstr); $len = strlen($authstr); $this->writeln(sprintf("AUTHENTICATE \"PLAIN\" {%s+}", $len)); $this->writeln("$authstr"); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK) { $this->_state = S_AUTHENTICATED; return true; } $this->_errstr = "authenticate: authentication failure connecting to $this->server: " . $this->responseToString(); return false; break; case "digest-md5": // follows rfc2831 for generating the $response to $challenge $this->writeln( "AUTHENTICATE \"DIGEST-MD5\""); // read the challenge. the max length for this is 2048. // don't include the CRLF returned by $this->read(). $this->getResponse(); if ($this->resp['state'] != F_DATA) { $this->_errstr = 'authenticate: ' . $this->responseToString(); return false; } $challenge = substr($this->resp['data'], 0, -2); // vars used when building $response_value and $response $cnonce = base64_encode(md5(microtime())); $ncount = "00000001"; $qop_value = "auth"; $digest_uri_value = 'sieve/' . $this->server; // decode the challenge string $result = array(); $challenge = base64_decode($challenge); preg_match("/nonce=\"(.*)\"/U",$challenge, $matches); $result['nonce'] = $matches[1]; preg_match("/realm=\"(.*)\"/U",$challenge, $matches); $result['realm'] = $matches[1]; preg_match("/qop=\"(.*)\"/U",$challenge, $matches); $result['qop'] = $matches[1]; // verify server supports qop=auth $qop = explode(",",$result['qop']); if (!in_array($qop_value, $qop)) { // rfc2831: client MUST fail if no qop methods supported return false; } // build the $response_value $string_a1 = utf8_encode($this->auth).":"; $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($result['realm']).":"; $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($passwd); $string_a1 = pack('H*', md5($string_a1)); $A1 = $string_a1.":".$result['nonce'].":".$cnonce.":".utf8_encode($this->authz); $A1 = md5($A1); $A2 = md5("AUTHENTICATE:$digest_uri_value"); $string_response = $result['nonce'].":".$ncount.":".$cnonce.":".$qop_value; $response_value = md5($A1.":".$string_response.":".$A2); // build the challenge $response $reply = "charset=utf-8,username=\"" . $this->auth . "\",realm=\"" . $result['realm'] . "\","; $reply .= "nonce=\"" . $result['nonce'] . "\",nc=$ncount,cnonce=\"" . $cnonce . "\","; $reply .= "digest-uri=\"" . $digest_uri_value . "\",response=" . $response_value . ","; $reply .= "qop=" . $qop_value . ",authzid=\"" . utf8_encode($this->authz)."\""; $response = base64_encode($reply); $this->writeln( "\"$response\""); $this->getResponse(); // With SASL v2 the server sends the final response success data within the // data portion of the SASL response code. With SASL v1.x, however, the server // sends this as a separate response and we must send an extra empty request // before the server sends the final SASL response. if (!preg_match("/Cyrus timsieved (v1\.1|v2\.\d)/", $this->_capabilities['implementation'])){ // Response should be either "{xxx}\r\nresponse string\r\n" or "NO". if ($this->resp['state'] == F_DATA) { // put the empty request. $this->writeln("{0+}"); $this->writeln(""); $this->getResponse(); } } if ($this->resp['state'] == F_OK) { $this->_state = S_AUTHENTICATED; return true; } $this->_errstr = "authenticate: authentication failure connecting to $this->server: " . $this->responseToString(); return false; break; default: $this->_errstr = "authenticate: mechanism '" . $selected_mech . "' not supported"; return false; break; } //end switch. } /** * Logout of the current session. * * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function logout() { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)){ $this->_errstr = 'logout: no server connection'; return false; } $this->writeln("LOGOUT"); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK) { $this->_state = S_CONNECTED; return true; } $this->_errstr = 'logout: failed to logout: ' . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Close the socket. * * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function close() { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (is_resource($this->_socket)) { if ($this->_tls === true && function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')) { stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->_socket, false); } $this->logout(); if (!fclose($this->_socket)){ $this->_errstr = "close: failed closing socket to $this->server"; return false; } } $this->_socket = null; $this->_state = S_NOCONNECTION; return true; } /** * Return an array containing server Capabilities. * * @return mixed array of server capability values, or false on failure */ function capability() { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = 'capability: no server connection'; return false; } $this->writeln("CAPABILITY"); if ($this->parseCapability()) { // Work-around for extra NO response with Cyrus v2.0. if (substr($this->_capabilities['implementation'], -6) == 'v1.0.0') { $this->read(); } return $this->_capabilities; } return false; } /** * Intiate TLS negotiation with the server. * * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function starttls() { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = 'starttls: no server connection'; return false; } if (!isset($this->_capabilities['starttls']) || $this->_capabilities['starttls'] !== true) { $this->_errstr = 'starttls: STARTTLS not advertised by server'; return false; } if (!function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')) { $this->_errstr = 'starttls: TLS not available'; return false; } $this->writeln("STARTTLS"); if ($this->getResponse() === F_OK) { if (stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->_socket, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) { $this->_tls = true; if ($this->_capabilities['implementation'] != "dovecot") { return ($this->capability() !== false) ? true : false; } else { if ($this->parseCapability()) { return true; } else return false; } } // Issue bogus capability command. $this->writeln("CAPABILITY"); $this->getResponse(); } $this->_errstr = 'starttls: TLS initialization failed: ' . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Return a list of the Sieve scripts owned by the authzed user. * * @return mixed array containing Sieve scripts, or false on failure */ function listScripts() { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = 'listScripts: no server connection'; return false; } $scripts = array(); $this->writeln("LISTSCRIPTS"); while ($this->getResponse() == F_DATA) { $last_quote = strrpos($this->resp['data'], '"'); $sname = substr($this->resp['data'], 1, ($last_quote - 1)); $active = false; // Cyrus v2 active script: "script" ACTIVE if (substr($this->resp['data'], -6) == 'ACTIVE') { $active = true; } // Cyrus v1 active script: "script*" if (substr($sname, -1) == '*') { $sname = substr($sname, 0, -1); $active = true; } $scripts[$sname] = $active; } if ($this->resp['state'] == F_OK) { return $scripts; } $this->_errstr = 'listScripts: failed: ' . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Retrieve the contents of a Sieve script. * * @param string script name * @return mixed script text or false if failure */ function getScript($name) { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = "getScript: no server connection"; return false; } $script = array('raw'=>'','size'=>0); $this->writeln(sprintf("GETSCRIPT \"%s\"", $this->prepareQuotedString($name))); if ($this->getResponse() == F_DATA) { $script['raw'] = $this->resp['data']; $script['size'] = strlen($this->resp['data']); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK) { return $script; } } $this->_errstr = "getScript: could not get script \"$name\": " . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Set a script as the active script on the server. A zero lenth script name * will deactivate the existing active script. * * @param name string name of script to set as the active script * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function setActive($name='') { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = "setActive: no server connection"; return false; } $this->writeln(sprintf("SETACTIVE \"%s\"", $this->prepareQuotedString($name))); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK) { return true; } $this->_errstr = "setActive: could not activate script \"$name\": " . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Check that the user will not exceed sieve_maxscriptsize or * sieve_maxscripts by uploading script $name of size $size bytes. * Note: HAVESPACE is broken in Cyrus up to v2.0.16. * * @param name string containing script name * @param size integer size of script in bytes * return boolean true if server will allow, false if not */ function haveSpace($name, $size) { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = 'haveSpace: no server connection'; return false; } $this->writeln(sprintf("HAVESPACE \"%s\" %s", $this->prepareQuotedString($name), $size)); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK) { return true; } $this->_errstr = 'haveSpace: ' . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Put script $name containing $text on the server. The script will not be * set active. Zero length scripts should be allowed. * * @param name string containing name of script * @param text string containing script content * @return boolean true on success, or false on failure */ function putScript($name,$text='') { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = "putScript: no server connection"; return false; } $len = strlen($text); $this->writeln(sprintf("PUTSCRIPT \"%s\" {%s+}", $this->prepareQuotedString($name), $len)); $this->writeln("$text"); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK){ return true; } $this->_errstr = "putScript: could not put script \"$name\": " . $this->responseToString(); /* Work-around for extra response bug in Cyrus 2.0. */ if ($this->resp['state'] == F_NO && $this->resp['errstr'][0] == 'Did not specify script data' && substr($this->_capabilities['implementation'], -6) == 'v1.0.0') { while ($this->read()) { } } return false; } /** * Delete a Sieve script * * @param name string script to delete * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function deleteScript($name) { unset($this->resp); $this->_errstr = ''; if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { $this->_errstr = "deleteScript: no server connection"; return false; } $this->writeln(sprintf("DELETESCRIPT \"%s\"", $this->prepareQuotedString($name))); if ($this->getResponse() == F_OK){ return true; } $this->_errstr = "deleteScript: could not delete script \"$name\": " . $this->responseToString(); return false; } /** * Does server support a sieve extension. * * @param string $extension The extension to check * @return boolean true if extension is supported, false otherwise */ function hasExtension($extension) { return in_array(strtolower($extension), $this->_capabilities['extensions'], true); } /** * Return the last error string. * * @return string $this->_errstr */ function getError() { return $this->_errstr; } /** * Return the most recent response structure. * * @return mixed array response, or false if not set */ function getLastResponse() { return (isset($this->resp)) ? $this->resp : false; } /** * Prepare a quoted string. Escape backslash and double quote chars. * * @param string $str The string to prepare * @return The prepared string */ function prepareQuotedString($str) { $i = 0; $qs = ''; while ($i < strlen($str)) { if ($str[$i] == '\\') { $i++; if ($str[$i] == '\\') { $qs .= '\\\\'; } elseif ($str[$i] == '"') { $qs .= '\\"'; } else { $qs .= '\\\\' . $str[$i]; } } elseif ($str[$i] == '"') { $qs .= '\\"'; } else { $qs .= $str[$i]; } $i++; } return $qs; } /** * Return the version of class Managesieve. * * @return string The version of this class */ function getVersion() { return MS_VERSION; } } // class Managesieve ?>